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Anc CV_Experiences

Junior Developer to Lead Programmer


Developed multiple unique prototype games as well as fully releasing a single-player 80s noir crime-bustin' strategy game on Steam (Rough Justice: 84), with more that 70% positive reviews. Working with this indie studio expanded my capabilities with Unreal Engine 4 & 5 using C++ and immensely strengthened team working skills as I was working alongside different designers and artists as well as mentoring multiple junior developers.

Rough Justice: 84

Nov 2021 - Jul 2024


Engine and Audio Programmer


This role was one of my first team experiences using Unity Engine and C# in a professional environment where our client was a research group from the university of St. Andrews. Communication and organisational skills were key to completing this project. 

University Professional Project

Jan 2020 - May 2020 


Server Developer


This opportunity introduced me to Rust, Java and C programming where I developed spawn code for a Day-Z game server and a fully functioning Discord bot for their Discord server that can relay real-time data from the game server into the Discord chat. 

Operation Z 

Dec 2020 - Jan 2021 


Multi Collector

Feb 2024 - Jun 2024​


Game Developer


This is a personal project created in my spare time for the Steam platform to allow players to enjoy small party games together. The focus of the project was to challenge myself to create a full multiplayer experience, learning the ins and outs of efficient client-server programming using C++ in Unreal Engine.

Gameplay and Audio Programmer


This personal team project was one of my favourite experiences. Being able to co-develop a fully released multiplayer game on the Steam market has been one of my largest accomplishments. My main role in this project was to develop early prototypes for gameplay as well as implementing the audio system for the game in the Unity Engine using C#.

Rocket Squad

May 2020 - Sep 2020 



Anc CV_Education

Univeristy of Abertay Dundee

 1st class BSc (Hons) in Computer Games Application Development (2017 - 2021).

Berwick Academy

 Completed GCSEs and A-Levels at Berwick Academy (2012 - 2017).

Anc CV_Skills


Myriad of skills picked up from working on university projects and personal projects at home.

  • C++ & C#

  • Unreal Engine 4 & 5

  • Unity Game Engine

  • Java Script

  • OpenGL & DirectX11

  • SQL Databases

  • SFML​

  • WWise Audio Engine

  • Mirror Networking API​

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